Russian Robot 0 comments

In Russia was this robot made
It’s dilapidated and of the worst grade
In a post-communist era they constructed it
For a purpose unfathomable - perhaps to sit

But it’s vacuum tubes will glow and burn
And cogs and gears will start to turn
If only that something would happen
Which would make him drop this inaction’s weapon

His owner now, is completely perplexed
Sorrowed by a great loss - and utterly vexed
But the stupid piece of metal won’t even budge
And refuses to engage in his routine drudge

But his legs were perfect for bipedal motion
His hydraulic hinges need no magic potion
And if occurs the event, that’s long been due
He’ll go back to work - as good as new

And then one day all his logic concurred
For the long awaited event had finally occurred
When in the basement, where the robot lay
His violin, the owner‘s kid, began to play

And his eyes illuminated, lips forged a smile
For music was what he needed all this while
And the owner’s kid stood right there in awe
Confused and amazed by what he saw

And let this be a lesson to all you souls
With hearts as cold as immortal ghouls
For whenever your memory begins to rot
Remember how I revived the Russian robot.

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.

The Alchemist and the Reverse Engineer 0 comments

You, the believer in alkahest
And the vivacious lover of base metals
You show them visions of an elixir
Then pugnaciously crush them with rose petals

Me, the believer in a higher quest
Me, the author of this intricate code
I’m the person you once destroyed
Who’s outsides burn and insides corrode

You practice the catastrophic alchemy
Of inhaling mercuric fumes of love
And as you slip into insanity’s refuge
I am slipping into closure’s glove

You, the cunning, conniving pseudo scientist
Me, the deceivingly innocent imbecile
I might have had some bugs in my cipher
But there are no hard feelings, there is no bile

I lie now amidst the rubble and debris
Of the contrivance I took apart to understand
That every word you said to me
Was a loyal accomplice in your plan so grand

You’re now addicted to universal solvents
And I sip coffee of the finest brew
I wish I had some thing to thank for
To you, the Nazi, and you, the Jew

But doesn’t it seem absurd to you?
Because to me it seems so queer
As I was once the alchemist,
And you, the reverse engineer

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.

Inconsequence is Immortal 0 comments

I hear now the imaginary ocean
In all it’s glory and with all its devotion
Stretching herself around the infirmary bed
Where I lay almost dead and devoid of motion

Electronic contraptions, inventions of man
Busily buzz and whirr and beep
Injecting into me their electrical tentacles
And sucking away my blood and sleep

The nurse on the night shift today
Sits besides me on this craft
That I’ve made above the hospital linen
And which resembles a mighty wooden raft

As time approaches of my furlough
I fight lonesome, long and overwhelming battles
Against the inconsequence bent to devour me
Whilst my time like a sidewinder rattles

And suddenly then; the night shift nurse
Soaking wet in my remorse and slur
Morphs into an equally gorgeous -
Incarnation of Lucifer

She kisses my paralyzed self
And runs her pale hands thorough my black hair
Whispers in my ear, “inconsequence is immortal”
I whisper into hers, “I don’t fucking care”

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License

Patterns of Self Destruction 0 comments

When your masturbatory fantasies start getting bizzare
And doubt raises it's hideous head
You ask yourself who you really are
And can't remember what your father said

When truth is locked in the dungeon of silence
When little girls cease to play with dolls
And all the words of the prophet of doom
Are written all over the subway walls

When quietness was raped by stockbrokers
And tranquility has been dead for an eon
When kindness has completely closed it's door
And children sleep in the eerie glow of neon

When fluorescent chemicals flow in our rivers
And stinginess flows through human hearts
And the only time people actually listen
Is when you burp and your dog farts

When evangelists are hell bent on preaching
That right among us Jesus walks
But the lovely brunette drops her hair for bleaching
Because sex sells and money talks

When the virtues of rationality and morality
Find each other in an everlasting ruction
Then the only good news is that you're absolutely free
To witness these patterns of self destruction

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.

Nothing New 0 comments

I have bled crimson - and
I have bled blue
But I have Bled the most
When thoughts of you
Come around swirling
Snaking and twirling
Leave me fucked up and what's more
It is nothing new

This torture is mutual
And if it is not
Then I must be the biggest
Fool in this lot
I wish you would end this
I wish I could too
But we're fucked up and what's more
It is nothing new

Come back my poison
I don't want to die
By the hands of life
Unfulfilled and dry
Come back and kill me daily
Like the way you used to
But you're fucked up and what's more
It is nothing new

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This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.

The Seamstress’s Daughter 0 comments

She’s unrepentant and doesn’t deny
There’s more to her than meets the eye
Never an admirer of automation of chores
Feels right at home, among dykes and whores

She’s pretty averse to the idea of clothes
Children of all kinds she loathes
Not quite the rebel for a virgin cause
Counting down the days to her menopause

Spits out feminist anthems full of spite
From behind the anonymity of her website
Mortally dislikes all human contact
Considers love to be something abstract

With her blood she would like to paint
And she spits on you if you call her quaint
Doesn’t like to drink, and she don’t do drugs
Watches television lying naked on the rugs

Neo-pagan rituals she performs with a chalice
Even though her heart be ripe with malice
Dreams of the day when she'd live with witches
As continually in her basement her mother stitches

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This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.

Circles Of Desire 2 comments

It is not my duty
And no woman of earthly beauty
-Could convince me to stop-
Within these circles of desire
Or rest in a shallow quagmire

There is no obligation
Forced upon me by any sensation
-Curiosity, hunger or simply lust -
To stay within these circles of desire
I’m on a journey and can’t retire

I’m high above such petty distractions
Motivation smiles behind all my actions
-Oh but it wasn’t always the same-
I was once trapped in a circle of desire
A soap bubble cage that was set on fire

Inevitably bubble burst
I came out devoid of all thirst
-Learnt an excruciatingly painful lesson-
Erased all the circles of my desire
Sold all my dreams to the next buyer

And though my heart now is dark and sooty
But she was a woman of unearthly beauty
-I know it might never be the same again-
But I will never stop in the circles of my desire
To prove to her that I’m not a liar

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This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.