In answer to her question

Your question will not make us wise
Some answers aren’t made for speech
But the truth is, eyes meet eyes
Souls find souls - there’s one for each

It’s not that the answer is any more clear-
Than the voices I hear - though they motivate
But who’s to debate over what fools hear?
And who may hear what fools debate?

You might be my long-sought twinkling star
Or maybe just a reminder of this romantic riot
You’ll be mine eventually- even if as a battle-scar
But for now, keep close and keep quiet.

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Jade said...

Hi! I have been enjoying your poetry. You're so playful with words... it's inspiring to read. I like
"But who’s to debate over what fools hear?
And who may hear what fools debate?"

and the last line.

Mystik_Scrypt said...

I loved these lines, especially:
>>'Some answers aren’t made for speech
But the truth is, eyes meet eyes
Souls find souls - there’s one for each'

Wonderful! Do keep it up.

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