The Worth of a promise

Promises made and promises broken
Promises that are so often forgotten
But promises kept are affection’s token
And promises broken suck dirty rotten

Some are made in the blink of an eye
And some are born out of obligation
Some are just parts of a big fat lie
And some promises cause constipation

But the real worth of a promise, then
Lies in the moment in which it’s made
Because words spoken can hurt badly when
The tongue works like a razor blade

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Merili said...

I like the title and this:
"Promises that are so often forgotten" which happenes soooo often and it's very nicely put.
I think about it the same way except the difference between you and me is: i can't write poems :(

surajsharma said...

I think you should consider yourself lucky that you can't write poems, one does not choose to do art, art chooses you, and when it does, more often than not, it's a terrible curse :)
but thanks for reading my poems, appreciation is the only reward.

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