
Carry me, my love, she said,
And I carried her to bed.
Numerous lies were told her there,
To catastrophe she was led.

Tautologies I recited in her ears,
I had nothing else to offer.
Unwearyingly she learnt to live,
In this empty king’s empty coffer.

But I was up to evil again,
I slaughtered her unborn children of hope.
Blinded her with recursive silence,
And bound her with a fantasy rope.

Every fiber of her being, then,
Was held prisoner in my breath.
Carry me, my love, she said,
And I carried her to death.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.


Anonymous said...

I really love your poems...They are so great :)

Shitrint said...

A-M-A-Z-I-N-G poem suraj!!
man how do u manage to write these yaar!!
im so awestruck yaar!!
i hav no words!!

Merili said...

Very powerful and painful.
It has so much meaning. Well done!

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